Montgomery County Coin Club
February 2023 Bulletin
Next Meeting: Tuesday, February 14, 2023
The Montgomery County Coin Club will meet Tuesday, February 14, 2023, at 7 p.m. at the Margaret Schweinhaut Senior Center, 1000 Forest Glen Road, Silver Spring.
The program will be a demonstration of proper automatic external defibrillator (AED) use. Alicia Clugh of the Bethesda Chevy Chase Rescue Squad will do a presentation on the use of AEDs at the Montgomery County Coin Club meeting at the center on Tuesday, February 14. She has trainer AEDs and mannequins that she will bring for hands-on training.
January Program – The Philadelphia Mint’s First 20 Years
Jack Schadegg gave an illuminating presentation on the early years of operation of the Philadelphia Mint. Mint workers worked long, arduous hours on used equipment sent from Britain, scrap copper was relied on for making planchets, and the original building was destroyed in a fire in 1816.
Chuck Hess and Ken Swab split the auctioneering duties given the large number of items.
Thanks to Mary Robertson for providing a delicious and abundant selection of refreshments.
January Member Displays
Simcha Kuritzky showed a “paper print” of an Ethiopian Banknote. He also showed the gold medal he was awarded at the Winter FUN show in Orlando.
Gerry Grzenda showed a 2012 Vatican Proof Set.
United States Mint Coins
Treasurer Simcha Kuritzky will have Ohio P and D Innovation dollars (emblematic of the Underground Railroad), the 2023 P and D Native American Dollars featuring the ballerina Maria Tallchief, as well as a variety of other United States Mint coins for sale, including 2022 American Women quarters through Bessie Colman for face value, 2018-22 halves for 80 cents each or $15/roll, and Innovation dollars for $1.25 each or $30/roll.
2023 Dues
Memberships expire at the end of the year. Dues for 2023 are still $8, the lowest coin club dues you will find virtually anywhere. Please pay your dues to our Treasurer, Simcha Kuritzky, either in person at a meeting, via check to MCCC, P.O. Box 13504, Silver Spring, MD 20911, or via PayPal (family and friends option, please) at
Club Business
Club officials were sworn in: Jack Schadegg, President; Chuck Hess, Vice-President; Simcha Kuritzky, Treasurer; Erik Douglas, Secretary; and Ken Swab, Bob Eisemann and Mike Milo, Directors.
MCCC finances are in fine shape, as reported by Treasurer Simcha Kuritzky.
New Bulletin Editor
The newly elected MCCC Secretary, Erik Douglas, has taken over the duties of writing the bulletin. The outgoing Secretary thanks him for his willingness to take over the task of keeping the membership informed. – KS
Upcoming Coin Shows
Feb 25 Hagerstown, MD
Mar 2-4 ANA National Money Show – Phoenix, AZ
Mar 5 Hunt Valley, MD
Mar 16-18 Whitman Spring Expo, Baltimore, MD
April 6-8 National Battlefield Coin Show – Gettysburg, PA
Apr 15 Timonium, MD
May 7, Hunt Valley, MD
May 14, Aberdeen, MD
Jun 8-10 Whitman Summer Expo, Baltimore, MD
Jun 10 Timonium, MD
MCCC Auction – January 2023